
Thursday, December 01, 2005

Soul Food

Last night I went Salsa dancing with my fellow Fellows. It was so nice to get out with everybody since I usually miss all of the fun when I'm out of town on the weekends. The dancing reminded me that I'm human because I'm such a terrible salsa dancer and yet it was still so fun.

Tonight I saw Cornell West speak at Sac State. I've always been a fan of his work, but have never had the opportunity to hear him say the words that he writes. His love was so powerful that it was almost contagious. He reminded me that I am human only through my commitment to humanity.

Last night and tonight helped me remember how great it is to make time for the things that make us feel good.


  • At 3:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Querida Pam,
    Hola, soy yo, tu hermana. Fortunamente, mi companera de habitacion me ayudo con mi computadora. Ahora, me parece que puedo conectar a la red. Ojala que no vaya a darme mas problemas. Yo estaba tratando poner acentos en esta carta pero no funciona bien. Es posible que tu vayas a tener que repasar tus libros de espanol para poder entender todo lo que te escribo. Pero eso es algo bueno. Recuerda que es muy importante entender el subjuntivo porque es comun en cartas, canciones y poesia, etc. Pues, me gustan mucho tus fotos de China. No puedo esperar ver las fotos de la cena del dia de Gracias. La comida era muy sabrosa y estoy muy contenta que yo fui. Yo estoy empezando sentirme mejor. Tengo que estar positiva y recordar que cada dia es un nuevo dia. Yo puedo continuar escribir para siempre porque no te he escrito antes y por supuesto me encanta escribir en espanol. Espero que esta carta no sea tan dificil para ti. Si tienes preguntas, por favor, dime.
    Hasta la vista,
    Kimberly (Pilar)

  • At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When I wrote "tan dificil", I should have written "demasiada dificil". Oops.

  • At 7:54 AM, Blogger pamela b said…

    Kim you are so silly.

  • At 4:15 PM, Blogger Devin said…

    I could read the whole thing without problems and it wasn't even in French ... how'd you fare, Pam?

  • At 3:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Remember? I was just talking to you the other day about making time for yourself. Reading all your blogs; I realize you do make time for yourself and your friends.
    Love you.
    A Friend


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