
Monday, February 13, 2006

Playing Hookie

California legislative staffers don't work on Lincoln's birthday, but just about everyone else does. So I'm trying to enjoy the Monday of a three-day weekend, but it's hard because no one else has the day off. I feel like I'm ditching work, which I can't stand and never, ever do.

Damn protestant work ethic. I can't even relax on the day that I'm supposed to take off. How appropriate to be obsessive in the memory of Lincoln.

Uh, happy birthday to a fellow aquarian and a far more obsessive, worried guy whose oddness drove him to greatness.


  • At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Would there be any way that I could get a CD of the rest of the Christmas vacation pictures that Devin took? I already have a CD of the "pretty dresses" photos and "duck" photos with the "Vegas" photos on it also. Thanks, let me know. By the way, you and Devin are weirdos: "quack quack". You guys should come live with the duckies that live in the stream in UC Davis's arboretum.

  • At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You are a workaholic like your parents. We all have to learn to sit back and enjoy watching the world go by.
    A friend


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